There has been an Air Cadet unit in Ivybridge for many years. However, the original unit was for unknown reasons disbanded some decades ago. The Squadron has been re-established, initially as a Detached Flight, since 1992 and regained Squadron status again in 1993. There have been four Commanding Officers, two Squadron Officers and two Adult Warrant Officers since the unit was re-established.

Ivybridge is located in South Devon on the southern edge of Dartmoor hence the Squadrons name. Initially it was part of Devon Wing but following a re-organisation of Wings in 1999 it became part of Plymouth & Cornwall Wing. The Unit initially used local halls for parade evenings before moving in to shared headquarters with the Army Cadet Force unit and then onto it's own Squadron Headquarters on the grounds of Ivybridge Community College. The Unit was again made homeless in 2005 when the headquarters was removed to make way for building work. A search started to locate a suitable site for a new Squadron HQ during which the Squadron continued to parade in temporary accommodation at Manor Primary School and then at The Erme Primary School. A new site has been identified for a Joint Cadet Headquarters at Filham Park. Building work commenced on the new cadet centre in October 2009 and was completed late April 2010. On Friday 07 May 2010 some 5 years after quitting their previous headquarters the squadron paraded in their new headquarters at the Ivybridge Cadet Centre.


The Squadron is made up of Officers appointed by the Queens Cadet Forces Commission and Non Commissioned Officers and Civilian Instructors all in the Royal Air Force Air Cadets each are appointed certain responsibilities.





Squadron Leader Francis Reis RAFAC started his RAF Air Cadet career in 1972 as an Air Cadet at 1225 (St Blazey) Squadron, now 169 (St Blazey) Squadron. After several camps and having attained his Gold Award on the Duke of Edinburgh Award he became a member of staff as a Civilian Instructor.

In 1982 following a successful board a career as a commissioned officer commenced rising through the ranks before becoming the Officer Commanding of Plymouth & Cornwall Wing for 3 terms of 4 years.

At the end of his third term and handing over the command of the Wing, Squadron Leader Reis decided to continue his RAFAC career and was appointed as the Wing Support Officer and has taken command of 339 Squadron. 



The Squadron is entitled to have two Squadron Officers in addition to the Squadron Commander.


Flight Lieutenant Sue Gilson RAFAC transferred to the Squadron in February 2023 having previously served at 2377 (Plympton) Squadron.

Flight Lieutenant Gilson is a qualified Range Conducting Officer and Weapons Instructor and has been given the portfolio of Shooting for the Squadron including the co-ordination of Skills at Arms training and practice and is appointed as the Squadron Shooting Officer.


Flight Lieutenant James Gilson RAFAC transferred to the Squadron in February 2023 having previously served at 2377 (Plympton) Squadron.

Flight Lieutenant Gilson is a member of the South West Small Arms Training Team, he is a qualified Range Conducting Officer and Weapons Instructor and has been given the portfolio of Shooting for the Squadron including the co-ordination of Skills at Arms training and practice and is appointed as the Deputy Squadron Shooting Officer.


Flying Officer Dawn Adam RAFAC transferred to the Squadron in October having previously served as the Training officer at 169 (St Blazey) Squadron and 2494 (Portishead) Squadron.

Flying Officer Adam is an avid adventure training fan and has been given the portfolio of Adventure Training for the Squadron including the co-ordination of Ten Tors. She will also co-ordinate all Adventure Training Camps for the Squadron reporting to the Squadron Commander.





Warrant Officer Mick Clifton RAFAC transferred from 1876 Squadron to 339 Squadron to expend his ACO experience. He successfully completed the HQAC SSTC course in August 2013. WO Trenouth is currently a Squadron SNCO. WO Trenouth is qualified as a Range Conducting Officer and is a Weapons Instructor. WO Trenouth is the


Warrant Officer Emily Edwards RAFAC transferred to the Squadron in 2019 having previously served at 1876 Squadron. WO Edwards is the Squadron Training Officer responsible for all staff and cadet training. As part of her responsibilities she produces the Squadron Training Programme. WO Edwards is a qualified Drill Instructor and Duke of Edinburgh Leader.





The Squadron does not currently have any staff Sergeants or Flight Sergeants.


The squadron could not run as smooth as it does without the invaluable assistance of the Civilian Instructors (CIs). The Squadron has a number of CIs who have a wide knowledge of experience and knowledge. Though the number of CIs appear to be higher than on some squadrons many are only available part time due to their civilian job commitments.

Miss Sophie Cade joined the Squadron in 2017 as a Civilian Instructor. She is an ex-cadet having served at the Squadron and reached the rank of Cadet Corporal. Miss Cade is currently the Squadron Welfare Officer and is responsible for monitoring the wellbeing of the cadets and staff. Miss Cade reports to the Squadron Commander on welfare matters.


Mrs Vickie Keast joined the Squadron in 2021 as a Civilian Instructor having applied to become a staff member under the new application process. CI Keast was the first applicant in the Wing to complete the process. As a qualified teacher CI Keast has been appointed as Deputy Training Officer to assist in the planning and application of the Cadet Training Programme.


Mr Adam Forster joined the Squadron in 2022 as a Civilian Instructor having previously being adult staff at other youth groups and being a teacher.


Miss Sophie Lord joined the Squadron in 2021 as a Civilian Instructor. She is an ex-cadet having served at the Squadron and reached the rank of Cadet Corporal and as such has a wide knowledge of cadet subjects.


Miss Heather Lawrie joined the Squadron in 2022 as a Civilian Instructor having previously being a cadet at the Squadron before leaving to attend University.



flight_lieutenant_25  warrant_officer_tnl_25

Supernumerary staff are staff who are posted at another unit but are attached to the Squadron either as a post holder in addition to their main role or for admin purposes. The Squadron has a number of supernumerary staff.


Squadron Leader Adrian Corfield RAFAC was the Squadron Commander from 1998 to 2023. He initially joined the Air Training Corps in July 1979 as a cadet in 649 (Dursley) Squadron and worked his way to Cadet Warrant Officer before having to leave after 9 years of service due to age restriction. He rejoined the organisation in 1997 as a Civilian Instructor before going back into uniform as a Royal Air Force commissioned officer in the Volunteer Reserves Training Branch. After being posted to Wing Headquarters as the Wing Media Communications Officer he continued on at the Squadron in supernumerary capacity as the Squadron Commander. In February 2023 Squadron Leader Corfield formally handed over command of the Squadron to Flight Lieutenant Walton so that he could concentrate on his Wing duties, however he remains at the Squadron in a supernumerary capacity to offer as a qualified Range Conducting Officer and both Weapons Instructor and Fieldcraft Instructor, shooting and fieldcraft activities.


Warrant Officer Jason Grange RAFAC has joined the Squadron. He is a qualified drill instructor and is also the Wing IT and First Aid Officer. He has numerous qualifications including Archery Instructor, Range Safety Officer and Fieldcraft Training Instructor. Prior to becoming a staff member WO Grange was a cadet rising to the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer. Warrant Officer Grange commenced his staff service at 781 (Newquay) Squadron in 2009 before moving to 335 (Saltash) Squadron in 2010 where he was appointed as the Squadron Adjutant. In 2017 he transferred to Wing HQ to concentrate on his Wing First Aid and IT appointments before his appointment to 339 Squadron on his promotion to Warrant Officer. Warrant Officer Grange has been appointed as the Deputy Wing Warrant Officer but remains as supernumerary staff to support the squadron.




The Squadron's cadets are divided into two flights to install competition. While cadets may remain in a flight for all their service it is sometimes necessary to transfer cadets from one flight to another in order to maintain a balance of experience and skills in each flight. The two flights are:



Lightning Flight                            &                                 Typhoon Flight

 In addition to the two flights there is a third flight known as Sentry which comprises of a Cadet Warrant Officer and two Cadet Flight Sergeants. They are the link between the staff and the cadets.



Cadets who have demonstrated key qualities may be promoted to Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) ranks which mirror that of the NCO ranks in the Royal Air Force. Cadets can rise through the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant and Flight Sergeant to the highest cadet rank of Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO).



In addition to ranks cadets can be distinguished by classifications. After joining the Squadron as a Probationer cadets become 2nd Class following enrolment until they pass key exams. There are classification exams which allow cadets to rise through the classifications of 1st Class, Leading Cadet, Senior Cadet to the highest classification of Master Air Cadet.



In addition to the Squadron staff the Squadron is supported by the Civilian Committee. The Committee meet about every other month to make decisions on welfare and financial issues, this means the Committee have a direct influence on steering the direction of the Squadron. The Committee is of vital importance to maintain financial independence for the Squadron.



Mr A Grey



Mr A Lord



Mrs Street